Princess Diana was the SPF Queen – Meet our new favorite sunscreen!

According to friends and makeup artists that worked with Princess Diana, the leggy blond was “scrupulous about using an SPF-8 sunblock.” Having the perfect sun-kissed skin was important to the Princess of Wales. So much so that she had a tanning bed within Kensington Palace that she shared with her butler, Paul Burrell! How Dynasty of her!

Diana is famous for her beautiful skin. Makeup artist Mary Greenwell credits her skincare routine, staying moisturized, plenty of sleep, staying away from alcohol, and SPF! (However, we should note that the American Academy of Dermatology recommends at least SPF 30, water-resistant, and broad-spectrum coverage to protect your skin.)

We spoke to the founder of From Plants Beauty, Mollie Larsen, about the importance of skincare and how they perfected their brand new sunscreen, Sunshine Days Glow Drops!

Kinsey Schofield: Princess Diana never left the house without SPF on… tell me about Sunshine Days Glow Drops sunscreen, how is it different from others and why is it important to include sunscreen in your daily routine?

Mollie Larsen: Using sunscreen in your daily routine is important as it helps to protect your skin from damaging UV rays. In addition, it helps to keep skin looking hydrated and healthy. Without sun protection, either from clothing or sunscreen, 15 minutes of direct sunlight or more increases your chances of developing skin cancer. Although the sun is an excellent way for your body to create vitamin D, essential for better absorption of calcium and phosphorus, exposure without protection can have adverse effects. That’s why it’s necessary to have sunscreen with a high SPF level, the total amount of sun rays that are being blocked, but also PA protection, the amount of time that can be spent out in the sun. 

The use of our Sunshine Days Glow Drops sunscreen is not only high in both SPF and PA protection but is lightweight, hydrating, and provides a non-greasy healthy glow. Leaving your skin feeling soft, supple, and protected. 

We partnered with a top skincare laboratory in Thailand to help us formulate the perfect all-natural physical sunscreen. Thailand is well-known for its cosmetics and skincare products. Being Thai made it easier for me to communicate with the lab and develop an excellent formula. There was a lot of trial and error before having the right blend. 

It was essential for us to use naturally sourced ingredients and that the quality of SPF and PA protection was superb. What makes our sunscreen different from others is the physical Barrie protection from pollution through POLLUSTOP and the blue light shield. We formulated our sunscreen to not only protect you from the sun’s harmful UV rays but also the rays emitted from your smart devices and computers, as these can be very damaging to your skin’s complexion.

KS: How do your source your ingredients, what is that process like?

ML: I regularly look into research and books about specific ingredients before coming up with the idea of a new product and its main ingredients. Although the very first step is to see what people need help with their skin. We try to make sure we will be able to help ease their skin issues by formulating our products with natural ingredients, either it’s 100% plant-derived or 100% natural origin. We make sure to use organic ingredients when possible and source them from all around the world.

One important part of our process is that I always try to incorporate a Thai inspired-ingredient into every product we formulate. So, for example, our sunscreen includes Aloe Vera, a very traditional plant used widely in Thailand to help heal the skin.

KS: When did you become aware of natural beauty products, and how?

ML: Well, I have known about natural beauty products since I was ten or eleven. Because in Thailand, almost everything then was natural. At that age, I wanted to look good and feel good about myself, so every so often, I would try to create my own recipe using everything I could use from my mother’s kitchen, like cumin powder and tamarind juice to make a body scrub and face mask. 

I loved stopping by at the local market and getting myself loofahs and extra herbs to make my unique mask and scrub. However, over time, as I grew older, more and more skincare products became available and were introduced to Thai culture. Of course, I am talking about the products that would give you quick results. I was one of the girls who would give anything a try that shows improvement immediately or as fast as seven days! I would use new products in a heartbeat without researching the ingredients. 

I had been doing that for over a decade and didn’t feel wrong doing it. There was a saying among us, teenagers, that time, “As long as it makes me prettier now, that’s all that matters”. To think back, that was a wrong mentality, I would say.    

It wasn’t until I was pregnant with my first daughter, which was about six years ago, that I wanted to make sure my baby was safe and sound in my womb. So I researched what you shouldn’t use when you are pregnant as it might go through your bloodstream and can cause harm to your baby. And that was when I tried only to use natural skincare products and had an idea of creating my very own line.

KS: What are the benefits to using natural beauty products vs. products that have ingredients you can’t even pronounce or spell?

ML: Haha! Even some of the natural ingredients are hard to pronounce and spell. Nonetheless, using natural beauty products are safer and more gentle on your skin. However, with anything out there, even if it’s good for you, too much can be harmful. Balance is key to perfecting your skincare routine. With natural products, it takes longer to see results; you have to be patient and not rush the process as good things come in time. 

KS: Why is self-care so important? Do you have any hacks?

ML: Without self-care practice, you wouldn’t be able to function right. I am not only talking about skincare but self-care in general. You should drink enough water, stay hydrated every day as you already know that your body is made out of water, about 60 to 70 percent of your body’s weight. So, drinking enough water is essential to maintain your healthy self, and it is a super simple way to start a great self-care practice. Choosing the right foods and exercising also leads to excellent self-care too. 

Most importantly, find ways to reduce stress and let go of what bothers you. It would be best to first focus on your physical and mental balance before ever adding any self-care products into your routine. But choosing the right skin care product will help set you up for success. 

My simple hack is to give yourself a five-minute break every now and then by taking in deep breaths and relaxing your mind. Sometimes I will even do a quick face mask during my break to relax even more. This might seem silly, but it really works and helps to recharge me.

KS: What other From Plants Beauty products are you excited about?

ML: We really love our Oh My Glow Facial Oil as it’s the very first product we came out with when launching From Plants Beauty in 2020. Currently, we are working on some new products that will be coming out later this year and are excited to see how you will like them. 

KS: Do you still plant trees with a purchase? How does that work?

ML: Absolutely! We have partnered with One-Tree-Planted so that with every order placed, one tree is planted where reforestation is most needed. After checkout, you get to decide on where you would like to have your tree planted.

KS: LOVE IT! Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

ML: We want others to experience our handcrafted products and be able to feel the benefits of plant-powered skincare. Each one of our products is carefully formulated to produce optimal skincare benefits while being 100% non-toxic. Our recent Sunshine Days Physical Sunscreen is so unique from other mineral-based sunscreens that you have to give it a try for yourself. 

In addition, we pride ourselves on reducing our carbon footprint. We use recycled craft paper boxes, compostable mailers, and glass bottles with bamboo tops. Our true belief is that we believe in plants, and plants believe in us, so taking care of people, plants, and the planet is a big priority.

Want to learn more about From Plants Beauty? Visit their website at You can follow them on Instagram and Facebook.

Disclaimer: We are CRAZY about From Plants Beauty! We talk about them here and here.

Kinsey Schofield is the Founder of To Di For Daily and you can follow her on TwitterInstagram, or Facebook.